bhajo rādhe-kṛṣ(a)ṇa, bhajo rādhe-śyām(a) (4x) // 1 //
om om om om om, om om om om om (4x) // 2 //
so'ham so'ham, so'ham śivo'ham (4x) // 3 //
I am that I am, I am that I am (4x) // 4 //
I am neither body nor mind, immortal Self am I,
I am neither body nor mind, immortal Self am I // 5 //
Nothing can harm me, nothing can touch me.
I am neither body nor mind, immortal Self am I // 6 //
I am not this body, this body is not mine,
I am not this mind, this mind is not mine // 7 //
I am not this prāṇa, this prāṇa is not mine,
I am not these senses, these senses are not mine // 8 //
I am not this intellect, this intellect is not mine,
I am not these emotions, these emotions are not mine // 9 //
I am that I am, I am that I am (4x) // 10 //
I am saccidānanda, I am saccidānanda,
Existence, knowledge, bliss absolute // 13 //
I am mind of all minds, prāṇa of all prāṇas ...